Nancy Wanger Bodle was absolutely one-of-a-kind, but she performed many roles on life's shifting stage. She was Bill Bodle's wife and best friend forever; a loving mother to the late Tony, Debbie (Jack), Katy (Brian), and Billy (Ali); an adoring Grandma to Becca (Zach), Walter (Taylor), and Gus; a beloved Great-Grandmother to three wonderful boys; a warmhearted sister to Michael, Susan, and Bucky; and the first of four children born to the late Walter and Louise Wanger.
Nancy grew up in Ottawa, Illinois and from an early age, she embraced the world around her with a twinkle in her eye. She prized her independence, yet she always remained close to family. As a single-digit child, she loved to draw and paint, listen to music, be silly, and dream. And when she became a two-digit wonder, the family moved to Chicago's North Shore.
It was there that Nancy became a young but loving mother to Tony and Debbie. For several decades as a single mom, she faced formidable challenges, but never lost her life-affirming spirit. And her side-splitting sense of humor became legendary. To this day, it surprises friends and family that she didn't become a world-famous comedian.
In 1980, Nancy met Bill Bodle, and from day one they were a strong, stand-up couple. The Bodles made their home in Highland Park, raised Billy and Katy, and established a buzzing refuge for a never-ending parade of puppies and parrots. Their house was filled with music and Nancy was eventually inspired to learn to play the drums and take singing lessons in her seventies.
Above all, Nancy will be remembered for always putting the health and welfare of others first. She was the kindest, most giving, most unabashedly loving person most of us will ever know, and she'll be missed by friends and family alike.
Nancy was eighty-four when she graduated this life, and she is no doubt pursuing an advanced degree in a bustling corner of the Universe, not so far away. You're invited to celebrate her life with a donation to ASPCA, or St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Nancy will be honored by close family in a small, private ceremony. For information or to leave condolences: Shalom Memorial Funeral Home, or (847) 255-3520.